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Other Council Services

Other services are provided by the District or County Council sometimes in conjunction with the Parish Council.

For more information on street cleaning, or to report littering and fly tipping, please contact Cotswold District Council by using this link.

Litter Collection

We aim to keep the village tidy and create a better environment for all. A team of volunteers collect litter from around the village every week. The District Council provides litter grabbers, high visibility vests and bags.

If you would like to join the volunteers and help make a difference, please contact the parish clerk.

Litter Bins and Dog Bins

Litter and dog waste bins are usually the property of the parish council but are emptied by the district council’s street cleaning or waste operatives on a regular basis.

Please contact us to report any problems relating to litter or dog waste bins, or if you would like to request an additional bin in your area of the parish. Requests are considered on an individual basis.

For more information on street cleaning or to report littering and fly tipping, please contact the district council by clicking the button below.

Fly Tipping

Fly-tipping is a crime as well as blight on the environment which Cotswold District Council take very seriously.

Residents can easily report fly-tips using the CDC online service that allows the user to pinpoint the fly-tip on an interactive map, so they don’t have to spend time trying to describe the location or looking up a postcode.

This makes it is easier for the Council team to locate and, with previously reported cases visible, it also means less duplication, allowing a quicker investigation and clean-up.

If a resident calls for more information about their report, the customer services team can give more detailed case information on the spot. However, CDC will not respond to fly-tipping reports on private land.

Report Fly Tipping




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