The aim of the archive is to provide opportunities for a wide range of people to take part in and learn from the creation of a collection of photographic and written materials relating to aspects of social, built and natural heritage.
Greening Mickleton are instrumental in the village for helping our community discover greener ways to live and help preserve the beauty and vitality of the village.
The Hedgehog Community Bus is provided and operated entirely by volunteers. First established over 25 years ago, they have three 16-seater buses, and provide scheduled services for any member of the public
King George’s Hall is at the heart of Mickleton village life, providing a centre for young and old to share and enjoy community activities and friendship. Situated close to the centre of the village in Chapel Lane, the hall offers a wide range of activities.
The Mickleton Allotments have been in the village for over 400 years. There is currently a thriving community of parishioners growing their own fruit, vegetables and flowers.