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About the Council

How We Work

Mickleton Parish Council is first-tier local government (i.e. closest to the people), followed by Cotswold District Council and then Gloucestershire County Council. Parish councils were created in law and can only act within the law by exercising their powers and functions which have been conferred on them by Acts of Parliament.

Mickleton Parish Council is responsible for setting the annual Precept (its share of the Council Tax), rents an office space at the King George’s Hall, contributes to local maintenance, maintains a watching brief on local roads, public rights of way and trees in public places, responds to planning consultations, liaises with appropriate local and national organisations as well as the district and county councils, supports local charities and endeavours to respond to matters raised by parishioners.

Mickleton Parish Council employs a part-time clerk/responsible finance officer.

We aim to deliver and coordinate services to meet local needs and strive to improve the quality of life in the parish.

What’s under our remit?

  • Burial grounds, cemetery and churchyards
  • General spending – parish councils can spend a limited amount of money on anything they deem of benefit to the community
  • Gifts – parish councils may accept gifts
  • Legal proceedings – power to prosecute and defend any legal proceedings in the interests of the community, power to take part in any public enquiry
  • Litter – provision of litter bins and support for any anti-litter campaigns
  • Planning – the parish councils is notified of any planning applications for the area
  • Recreation – provision of recreation grounds, public walkways, open spaces, village greens, playing fields


How is a parish council funded?

The council is funded by an annual payment or precept from the county council. The parish council prepares a budget for each year which will cover all necessary expenditure and asks the county council for this money in the form of the Precept. This precept is collected by the county via the council tax and paid to parish councils in two six-monthly sums.

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